May 9 1997, v06 - improved Czech documentation - kernel 2.0.30, rc.M changed (. rc.monkey to the top of file) - fixed problem with root's password - fixed problem with adduser, added useradd, userdel, usermod, dirname Apr 13 1997, v05 - added Midnight Commander - added man, apropos, whatis (manpages are in the package manpages.tgz) - added mkfs.ext2, mkfs.msdos, mkfs.minix, mklost+found, xdm - added FAT32 support to the kernel and source - added shadow password support - fixed problem with traceroute, fsck - improved English texts - many thanks to beautiful girl Olina Rohacova Mar 26 1997, v04 - replaced package Apache with new one - added ssh (client), bootpd, bootpgw, biff, clock - replaced mkfondir (compiled with new library), file, /etc/magic - M$ Windows'95 SWAP file can be used (/DOS/win386.swp) - many fonts for X Window deleted (Japanese, etc.) - removed SCSI devices in /dev (you can still create them by cd /dev ; ./MAKEDEV sd?) - /etc/XF86Config edited to use lower refresh rate - Monkey WWW page: Feb 10 1997, v03 - if M$ Windows SWAP file exist, will be used (/DOS/386spart.par) - gccall, kern2029 - fixed problem with symbolic links - utils added: cmp, chgrp, hdparm - utils for IPX networking: ipx_*, ncpmount, ncpumount, slist - corrected trustee rights: crontab, /var/spool/* - fixed problem with cron - allow edit IP adress from DOS via /etc/rc.d/ip-cfg.dos before boot Monkey - GCC tested for compiling DosEmu (added: bison, lex, flex, install, patch) - new packages: Sendmail 8.8.5 with Pine as local user agent Kernel 2.0.29 with beta driver for 3c59x, 3c900, ... Apache (WWW server) DosEmu 0.64.4 Jan 11 1997, v02 - kernel with modules - packages: GCC for kernel compiling Kernel 2.0.27 Accellerated X servers for S3 and Mach 64 Netscape 3.01 Dec 1996, v01 - I really remember nothing Nov 1996, v00 - first Monkey (without name, not very usefull) for my friend Dragon Oct 1996 - When I drink some beer near our college, I said: "MiniLinux? That's trivial." (This is a BIG mistake as I think now.)