A new OS from M$ will be driving our galaxy

Bluemont, WA 9945-102
November 21, 1996 -- Micro$hit®, Corp. (Nasdaq: MSXX) today announced the new operating system which will run our galaxy. The CEO of M$ has said: "We are proud to introduce the most advanced technology developed by our company. This technology will allow most of the stars and planets not to rely upon conventional laws of nature."

The new OS (formerly known as Houston) is based on some M$ patents as well as known principles which will be from now patented & licensed by M$. Amongst them are gravitational force (which was believed to be public domain before M$ adoption), M$ own version of Kepler's laws known as "Bill the dancing" and the very special theory of inverse relativity. "Inverse relativity was developed because of transports over long distances." said M$ CEO. However, M$ has not included electrostatical force into their OS, because "...it has a small affect on planet interactions in such a big system as our galaxy". So, atoms are not banned to use the electrostatical forces. Other known interactions stay in public domain because of the american antitrust laws, which disallow to own more than one principle by one company. However, this may change in the future.

The new galaxy will be divided into servers and clients, connected by M$ network. Planets will run Planetdows 95 operating system and stars will serve them with the most advanced NT technology. They will be connected via ATM over tubes filled by water. Packets will float at very high speed in this wonderful medium. One problem which may confuse people is that the planets must circulate in strictly round orbits and even avoid an interaction with other planets and mainly their ATM tubes. "Our new hardware technology is so amazing, that when it is about to crash two planets together, one of them will dynamically change the sign and absolute value of its gravitational acceleration factor and avoid the crash." said Anthony Bublifuk, the technical director of M$ hardware section.

On yesterday's bilatheral meeting between M$ and Newton Co. at Bluemont Headquarters the Board of Directors has signed an agreement about official M$ support for Newton Antivirus software, which will optionally be installed on selected planets. "We are proud to protect M$ planets from incidental collisions with UFOs as well as asteroids and comets up to 10E40 J energy." stated the vicepresident of Newton Co. Joshua Bambulus.

Rumors say that the start of the new system will not be painless. Also, the test of betaversion had shown some problems with receptin of large packets. The packets seem to freeze the movement of planets. "Of course, we'll remove the problem in the next betaversion and the final version will be bug free. Updates to a new version will be freely available at our central black hole in the center of the galaxy." said Bublifuk. In addiction to these problems, all educational material related to principles of the world must be updated. Also, it's unknown how will behave the mixed systems. CEO of M$ says to the problem:"Our system is so amazing that everybody will run it. It's price will be very very favourable in large quantities." Obviously, M$ hopes in export to other galaxies.

Because of american laws concerning export of cryptograhic material to other countries, which takes information for ammunition and holders of it for armaments, the problems araised about sending chinese people and analphabets over the network. From the official White House statement: "We are not able to decipher the brain contents of chinese and analphabetical people, because they don't store information in ascii format....so we couldn't guarantee the American people that nobody armed with lethal information doesn't get over national borders and for example, shoot someone with the information..." The only solution seems to be that the government will keep copies of some people's brains for further investigation in suspicious cases. "We'll keep the brains in a safe place to which only the highest trusted people will have access.." said the government spokesman Ozzy Lier.

From "The hitchhiker's guide to the idiocy"

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