Peta's Amiga Page

Hiya folks !
I have got an Amiga 500 computer for a very long time :-). Its configuration is very poor :

I have used it extensively after I got it, but I haven't used it for last 2 years. I have an opinion that there is no point in putting more money into it. But a few months ago I came across Web page with Amiga TCP/IP FAQ. I found out that it is possible to connect Amiga computer through SLIP protocol to Internet. I knew that we had a terminal server with SLIP, CSLIP, and PPP protocols in the school. There were many questions before me, but I decided to try it.

Do you think that is possible to connect old Amiga 500 to Internet ?
You could say NEVER...

AMIGA 500 Logo
But I did it !!!

Amiga + SLIP = Internet at home

What you need for it
How to install & configure it
How to run it
  • Internet Guide
  • FAQ
Amiga on Internet

What you need for it :
  • Hardware :
    1. Terminal Server - some place where to call and loggon (of course you do not have it at home :-), but in school or somewhere...)
    2. Modem - to call a Terminal Server (if possible at least 14.4kbps)
  • Software :
    1. Software emulator of KS3.0 - you should get MJSoft's Kicker to install higher Kickstart into your RAM (available on Aminet in util/boot directory under name MKick19.lha )
    2. AmiTCP - I have tested AmiTCPv2.2Bin and now I'm using AmiTCPv4.0Demo (both are available on Aminet in comm/tcp directory under names AmiTCP-bin-22.lha and AmiTCP-demo-40.lha)
    3. Dialing utility - I have tested about 5 different utils, but I have choosed Netdial arexx scripts (available on Aminet in comm/tcp directory under name Netdial4_0.lha or you can get a copy of my a little bit changed scripts)
    4. Aplications
      • Basic aplications as ping, finger, traceroute, ftp, telnet,... are inside AmiTCP pack (available on Aminet in comm/tcp directory)
      • InetUtils are programs for running some mail program under AmiTCP, I use v1.4 (available on Aminet in comm/tcp directory under name IU-14-amitcp.lha)
      • Amiga Elm is one of best mail programs, I use version 8.20 (available on Aminet in comm/mail directory)
      • Amiga Lynx is a text WWW browser, I use version 1.29 - the last stable one (available on Aminet in comm/net directory under name ALynx.lha or the latest version on ALynx page)
      • Amiga Mosaic is nowadays the only graphical Web browser, I use version 2.0beta prerelease 3 (version 1.2 is available on Aminet in comm/net directory under name Mosaic_1.2_AmiTCP.lha or the latest version as a patch to v1.2 is on AMosaic archive)
        To run AMosaic you need also MUI - Magic User Interface - for AMosaic 2.0 in version 2.3 or greater (latest is available on Aminet in dev/gui directory under name mui31usr.lha )
        If you want to have inlined GIF and JPEG images you need ZGIF and JPEG DataTypes (available on Aminet in util/dtype directory or on AMosaic archive).
  • Information :
    1. Phone number of Terminal Server.
    2. IP address of Terminal Server.
    3. Even if you dont use dynamic IP assigning you have to know your IP address (maybe the most probable).
    4. IP address of some nearest DNS (Domain name server)
    5. Your hostname - my hostname is amiga500 :-) and user name - my is Peta.
    6. If you can use SLIP or CSLIP (compressed SLIP) protocol (or PPP protocol, but I haven't tested it - for more info look at Kainaw's page).
    7. Netmask number. If you use only one connection to outside Net as me, you don't need it (just leave blank space, when configuration utility ask for it).
    8. IP address of Gateway (when you use Point-to-Point service as SLIP you can use IP address of destination point = Terminal Sever IP address).
    9. Searching domain names - for me it is and

How to install & configure it :
Some basic hints !!!
  • I recommend to have one booting diskette with Workbench (cleared of all unneeded stuff), other one called AmiTCP for AmiTCP, AElm,Alynx, and other one called AMosaic for AMosaic, MUI.
  • You can meet a problem with not enough memory or not enough diskette space during installation, so then :
    1. Pack all executable files with some packing utility (I use PowerPacker with best efficiency).
    2. Install program under old Kickstart (most installers let you do it, only show warning that you have to run it under newer system).
    3. Try to remove all unneeded stuff - docs, some fonts, ...
    4. Use fast file system (FFS) for diskettes (about 40kB more per diskette)
    5. Or as the last chance try to install MLink instead of AmiTCP. It definitely needs less memory (about minus 400kB). Thank Carl Hooper for this notice !
Installing AmiTCP + NetDial
  1. Uncompress AmiTCP-demo-40.lha to RAM: move all docs and fonts to some backup diskette
  2. Save the rest to one diskette and relabel it to AmiTCP:.
  3. Boot with prepared booting diskette (Workbench one), run Install_AmiTCP, choose to install it on device AmiTCP: and answer questions.
  4. Some hints for this:
    • Install only device rhcslip or rhslip.
    • Do not install NapsaTerm fonts (it is only for PAL or NTSC users).
    • Select your device for SLIP - normally it is serial.device with unit number 0.
    • The highest safe baud rate for Amiga 500 is 19200 bps
    • Use low MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) - 576, than you will have faster response.
    • Use hardware handshake (RTS/CTS) if your modem allows you.
    • Start Inetd (Internet daemon) at AmiTCP startup.
  5. So now you should have installed AmiTCP - you can test it by running startnet script and then you can run for example "ping localhost".
  6. At this time I have removed all installed stuff related to NFS (Network File System), becouse I think that it is nonsense to run it through 14.4kbps modem.
  7. From NetDial archive file copy NET, hangup files also with .info files on AmiTCP:, then all netdial and hangup files to AmiTCP:bin. Library rexxserdev.library should be in your libs: directory.
  8. Change scripts netdial.rexx, netdial.connect as you need - at least for login name, password, dial numbers,...
Installing Amiga Elm
  1. Copy Elm from archive file to your AmiTCP:bin directory (if you will need some utilities as UUdecode you can also install them from Elm:c archive to c:).
  2. Make somewhere directories which you can assign as UUlib, UUspool, UUmail (for example in Startup-Sequence).
  3. Put this elmrc file in UUlib:.elm/ directory and change what you need (name a.s.o.). You can use this elmheaders file too.
  4. Put this Config file in UUlib: directory and change what you need (name, hostname,...)
  5. Get files SMTPpost, SMTPd from InetUtils package and put them in AmiTCP:bin. You also have to add line "run <>nil: SMTPd" at the end of startnet and netdial.connect scripts.
  6. Now you should be able to run Elm, and post out when on-line. When you are off-line, you can write mails too. They are queued (in directory UUspool) and posted out when you are on-line.
Installing Amiga Lynx
  1. Copy ALynx from archive file to your AmiTCP:bin directory.
  2. Get files mailcap, mime.types from ALynx archive and put them in Prefs/Env-Archive/Mosaic/ directory. Edit them if you need it...
  3. Put lynx.conf in AmiTCP:db/ (edit it to change what you need).
  4. You can install directory with help files lynx_help somewhere (you can point starting page of ALynx there).
  5. Install utility ReSize, which is in ALynx package in your c: directory.
  6. Now open some shell window, make it so big how you want, run "resize SET" and then you can run ALynx (of course you have to have AmiTCP running at least for loopback).
Installing Amiga Mosaic
  1. You need to install MUI (Magic User Interface) first.
  2. So unpack it in RAM: and run Install_Mui.
  3. Use minimum installation of MUI to diskette (this takes about 500kB). I have signed this diskette as AMosaic:.
  4. MUI writes its starting sequence to user-startup, so if you don't like it, like me, you should remove it from user-startup and put it in AMosaic starting script (you will see...).
  5. Then copy AMosaic from AMosaic archive (version 1.2 or 2.0b) to AMosaic: diskette.
  6. You can copy directory doc from AMosaic archive somewhere (you can point starting page of AMosaic there).
  7. Get files mailcap, mime.types from AMosaic archive (version 1.2 only !!!) and put them in Prefs/Env-Archive/Mosaic/ directory. Edit them if you need it...
  8. Put this prefs file in Prefs/Env-Archive/Mosaic/ directory and change what you need (fonts,...).
  9. If you don't want to edit prefs file manually, you can also install AMPrefs utility to configure AMosaic (if you haven't it, have a look at AMosaic homepage).
  10. You should install ZGIF, JPEG datatypes if you want to have in-line images. Put .datatype files in Classes/Datatypes/ directory and other files in Devs/DataTypes/.
  11. You should make some script as this one to run MUI and then AMosaic.
  12. Now you can execute script StartMosaic to run AMosaic.
Complete listings of my three "Internet" diskettes
(so you can imagine how I have put all the stuff there)


My config files
(to learn more about it)

AmiTCP + Netdial
  1. s/Startup-Sequence (I have included s/user-startup here)

  2. bin/startnet (after installing changed only a line with hostname)
  3. bin/netdial.connect (the same change as for startnet script)
  4. bin/netdial.rexx (I have made few changes for my Terminal server - more phone numbers & init strings)
  5. db/passwd (Peta as a user :-) )
  6. db/group (shorter list of groups)
  7. db/hosts (aliases for my Amiga & for other computers)
  8. db/resolv.conf (nameservers & domains search...)
  9. db/napsaprefs (init file for Napsaterm - telnet and VT100 terminal)

For sure I haven't made any changes after installation to following configurating files (but anyway you can look on them) :

Amiga ELM + InetUtils
  1. UUlib/config
  2. UUlib/.signature :-)
  3. UUlib/.elm/elmrc
  4. UUlib/.elm/elmheaders

  1. db/lynx.cfg
  2. env-archive/mosaic/mime.types
  3. env-archive/mosaic/mailcap

  1. s/StartMosaic is my starting script, which starts firstly MUI and then AMosaic
  2. env-archive/mosaic/prefs (config file for AMosaic 2.0b - prerelease 3, other config files are from previous version of AMosaic)
  3. env-archive/mosaic/mime.types (file is also used by ALynx)
  4. env-archive/mosaic/mailcap (file is also used by ALynx)

How to run it :
  1. You have to start Kickstart 3.0, with MJSoft's emulator
  2. Than put your bootable Workbench3.0 diskette into drive and load a Workbench
  3. Now you have two possibilites :
    • Click on AMI icon - and dialing script starts...
    • Open a shell and write "startnet" ; you can use this one, if you want to try only some local configuration or run AMosaic or whatever...).
  4. If everything is all right, now you are connected to the Internet.
  5. You can run any program as ping, finger, traceroute, ncftp, napsaterm,... just type a name of program in shell window or click on napsaterm icon.
  6. If you want to mail to somebody use Amiga Elm. Run "Elm", write a message in your favourite editor and send it (if your configuration is O.K., Elm calls SMTPpost to queue your message in directory UUspool and every three minutes SMTPd calls SMTPpost to post out mails from UUspool).
  7. If you want to use ALynx make a new shell window, resize it how big you want, type "resize SET" and then you can run "ALynx".
  8. If you want to use AMosaic put a diskette with it into drive and type in some shell window "startmosaic" and this script starts MUI and AMosaic. It is not "running" on Amiga 500, but it is still "going" :-).
  9. If you are really low on memory now - you can try my last hint and start from scratch with MLink.
So here is a grab of inicial screen :
The Beginning

And here I'm dialing my Terminal Server :
Dialing Terminal Server

This is the starting screen of AmiTCPv4.0Demo (on background is still shell with Netdial) :
Starting AmiTCP 4.0

And a grab of running Amiga Lynx (on background you can see top of NapsaTerm) :
ALynx 1.29

Finally this is the triumph ! Amiga Mosaic :
AMosaic 2.0b rel.3 with my homepage

And another well known Web page with Amiga Mosaic :
AMosaic 2.0b rel.3 with Yahoo

Problems :

Amiga Internet resources

Aminet on the Internet :
Files you may need are in comm/tcp, comm/net, comm/mail, dev/gui, util/boot, util/dtype directories

Where Address WWW / ftp / full / partial
USA (MO) Main Aminet site
USA (WI) Complete mirror, full WWW support
Switzerland 4000 files mirror, full WWW support
UK Complete mirror
Germany Complete mirror, full WWW support
Germany 6000 files mirror, custom WWW
Germany Selective mirror, custom WWW
Germany WWW frontend to all Aminet sites

Amiga on the Web :
Searching the Internet for Amiga :

Saturday, 24-Aug-1996 23:19:16 CEST © by Peta