etcskel-2.0-1x|{u8~u9$i\סy&bcS H(e9;\*g$`xx6-"JZK+UܯYED)SIu|Uc(d   MLPhl ,@ J T h  !:Pdhlq(r8x 9 :3 F[G|HIQCetcskel2.01Red Hat Linux default files for new users' home directories.The etcskel package is part of the basic Red Hat system. Etcskel provides the /etc/skel directory's files. These files (.Xdefaults, .bash_logout, .bash_profile, .bashrc) are then placed in every new user's home directory when new accounts are MkLinux Developers AssociationMkLinux.orgpublic domainSystem Environment/BaseLinuxnoarch/etc/skel/etc/skel/.Xdefaults/etc/skel/.bash_logout/etc/skel/.bash_profile/etc/skel/.bashrc|A큤7Q6u.$e5G0;Ob15717e3f8b0f249e936396e410a3444d19bbbed9d713f97f487b9ed9ec3f62f9f27d04c5f2286588e095bbd650c3526b4bae87d7ae5dec79524bcd6eefb9acbrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootetcskel-2.0-1.src.rpm bash3.0.277 2`66`6k6`6"{5?`4d43¸`31`Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Preston Brown Cristian Gafton Cristian Gafton Cristian Gafton Jeff Johnson Cristian Gafton Erik Troan Erik Troan Erik Troan - removed .inputrc -- it is migrating to /etc/inputrc elsewhere- fixes for .inputrc- more minor updates to .Xdefaults- fixed up .Xdefaults to not scroll back with pgup/pgdown - added .inputrc- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 8)- glibc 2.1- clean out more stuff from the default .Xdefaults- use BASH_ENV=~/.bashrc -- leave ENV for ksh (change #459)- .Xdefaults file was broken; it is not processed by any macro thing.- converted to a noarch package- added bash dependencie- Moved .Xclients and .xsession to xinitrc 926071104)))))=>?@AVmsG WIfx\ 6CNN66$t:=l{𥿽{pVz$=Z4:fލVg KR}\Zc1.Navkfq{,jmeYxw!gpfp_g~~eX(5؆u AfXXD`l\#TgC8CIB)8\ blP4L0Av?0=ýd Ϛ(\)OP͉Jόk5p K/V=ЪZe>Ҭ>B35MM O 6Ud wb4Q"wg2cCurE =|uQPsFn'7Oj(Xn).G/8^.E+K:UqdxI(>[ &6DHFK2Bg 9m-<|v޵)R-*EDA[c`iJf=4Q:x)(V Uq0D3GYLbyh#<8ƌ>+H㹫Rd 9FKxxw%DT&a䫄bWujȰ;;Ϻ#hj,hlJ5q /.Oh{~ m