mkinitrd-2.0-1a$x||u8'u9$\j_pm8EV{\4] }-sAY0/ EoF~aҝOMiNjm-U"; IҔy8o?Gx e\eL:| f!|z,Iqϧ{@a8>6 Tl!Wɂq="ŀ=̃!5!*ftT0ˇK^DX5;I;5X3ʡލ@78{;Ci%:mJ) d   Ktx     $ f hpz  : (E8L 9x : F G H I Q Cmkinitrd2.01aCreates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modules.Mkinitrd creates filesystem images for use as initial ramdisk (initrd) images. These ramdisk images are often used to preload the block device modules (SCSI or RAID) needed to access the root filesystem. In other words, generic kernels can be built without drivers for any SCSI adapters which load the SCSI driver as a module. Since the kernel needs to read those modules, but in this case it isn't able to address the SCSI adapter, an initial ramdisk is used. The initial ramdisk is loaded by the operating system loader (normally LILO) and is available to the kernel as soon as the ramdisk is loaded. The ramdisk image loads the proper SCSI adapter and allows the kernel to mount the root filesystem. The mkinitrd program creates such a ramdisk using information found in the /etc/conf.modules file.8&screamer+MkLinux_R1MkLinux.ORGGPLpackager: dgatwood@mklinux.orgSystem Environment/BaseLinuxppc/sbin/mkinitrd/usr/man/man8/mkinitrd.8l큤07h8$8$36fc11cb05649e31af89658a7f342b415758d0b1e83f000ec788bb2aa10aae9crootrootrootrootmkinitrd-2.0-1a.src.rpm/bin/ash.staticlosetupe2fsprogs/bin/shfileutilsgrepmountgziptar/sbin/insmod.static/bin/bash3.0.36@6@66Bt@6-\@5@5@44L(3U@3'{Matt Wilson Matt Wilson Matt Wilson Jeff Johnson Jakub Jelinek Erik Troan Jeff Johnson Erik Troan Erik Troan Erik Troan Michael K. Johnson - --omit-scsi-modules now omits all scsi modules - updated documentation - mkinitrd now grabs scsi_hostadapter modules from anywhere - some RAID controller modules live in block/- updated description- Ignore the absence of scsi modules, include them if they are there, but don't complain if they are not. - changed --no-scsi-modules to --omit-scsi-modules (as it should have been)- import from ultrapenguin 1.1.- fix for combined sparc/sparc64 insmod, also pluto module is really fc4:soc:pluto and we don't look at deps, so special case it.- replaced --needs-scsi-mods (which is now the default) with --omit-scsi-mods- correct obscure regex/shell interaction (hardwires tabs on line 232)- added 'make archive' rule to Makefile - rewrote install procedure for more robust version handling - be smarter about grabbing options from /etc/conf.modules- made it use /bin/ash.static- Only use '-s' to install binaries if /usr/bin/strip is present. - Use an image size of 2500 if binaries can't be stripped (1500 otherwise) - Don't use "mount -o loop" anymore -- losetup the proper devices manually - Requires losetup, e2fsprogs- Fixed a bug in parsing options. - Changed to use a build tree, then copy the finished tree into the image after it is built. - Added patches derived from ones written by Christian Hechelmann which add an option to put the kernel version number at the end of the module name and use install -s to strip binaries on the fly.screamer 951635494LLѣkS6_`<5&$`&4poLڹ7I,bIѮ^i X~{/z/z^7xww~o7@ܳ;k׫}99 n< P͍.O\9elu/R<Npשp8uOć4dJlDQ(rRC5}e gm#9< ^xd^Ľ7v:fRH}:pYroʣM?q/_:nHGN3"P.ف4!>.E2i;I}`|u)ܦ<D;&„YR>2vytv%j3s*엓|8pz)7jlOS RO'Bdzw'cz qG'Oz=vyu2~3a<)= O_M2rچ?5*_ Gphn}C$B|;пN$/Gі"~ *|C!:IJh?FnJ7#u'B hgg*? 7: x֠ Ch#&|5 kل]^XDI_%ttH]V$yyЍIת2J7?ؾɩ6 MooNP}W$XȔH!0VQYuF+Dm\eio! _$_υ"K| R_|5ժ1ӲO`ElqDen6ay,j C g1qLU]y#i}g9D rcM>. b!A*ZεWel#1>W <öRztpR뙌`F9XO v,eŭ+EUv)R>gkxlj;nr_K%jU 2AX(H0vw('y/~൒mo묆kTp2Psbaz" <nCy!ls56;w=4>>lSR3ɽAaR̖Th){H+ѦRP5"7YO9 .IܶxFxpE臠)? )$ެCc]jzY7h5IbZVǃ͡ƫֶ֍]07RݗZd:혓,0۾D4}-h]!V;I,WP1_.{UNV1tp./F׵8Qw_ӓa+GSCb*ȷ%bo)\Xq@]T zz" }qhN?CBQ'[=v`~0B!"4:b޲`%퓟TitWw4NjjqWuر+^,bbz3 ktzq|pY0uQۘl .|1 آLc 'vM"LN|`4KVV0-i1ϰ@g^jQ5(8* 69qIj]41%*hKT-núenM^QB`%-j32]U[$ʹX.tדP@_ոr`RWzG,rߐ#{[IGLuwAi̴U+p_ IlZ,:?T(Ϣn(E'V#\HݏUD<, 5ePIv Wʥh{{4Mywv7s%EM#eAt2$nw\_n*n}=,`r-P\P`ׇ K(:,#J2U c+oJ(A!U/8ۨ|SG|m2v4WlMbs/ Ϭy^^R%X/5_MGy_{l/Gɴ ޓ'Op|t}u {c 9CE ^@˗M{3ʔkR[#_M%u7kgJQs~q9ه.`d=$^+.mubqm;,pd8r\.G˜eebOCoj:,T4N[ؖAmq80EHD0&3 %ҥ[ $H&@ Yɞힱp=lIF KL<( &$+婉"J#ϬbwF`4t{zRrOJoJpr;JyӒs/ B#Lh}]eJhEsB qdO,\hw3|֎hK$mNPvZ0dxmBj}(nE1F3C}-Z̍ZtTic+}gm.}ZL{b;]m6.Yqam4D7!59Q1 T7ɲk,b'@s(Βf]bHڋr+ k猷/H:PsbBN:~p 37]T#.q`?a58yo%tڒw9?B&*Zl;PUr%Yڄ AšeSыA5S.D}Y4gcd‡V=7ڏ N=F1H~4|h{Cfij*tkIizJqI/ "ȩjgE #*BD9kƅj 4R~5$CЊiONt|Ïd^mwqa.Da$ͨ If['E-o=XCOO666uz?"`