Ladinek's Linux homepage

Message of the century: Beware of DOgS !

This is my first and only homepage. Because I'm interested in Linux, all here's related to it. Please bear in mind, that I'm not an englishman, so I do mistakes. Also, everything here is IMHO (no warranty). My mail contact is at the bottom of the page.

Czech version of my homepage.

Bugfix (for videocard Hercules Dynamite Power VL 2MB/W32P)
Biosless Future Domain SCSI adapters(recognition by kernel)
X apps picture gallery (really big=200k)
Queuing outgoing mail with sendmail till internet connection is up

And now for something completely different:
Better than Linux...OS of the galaxy

A lot of interesting info on my friend's homepage (AD&D,LINUX,search engines,links,girls...)

This page has been visited pocitadlo times from today (I think it's Sun Dec 10 04:00:31 MET 1995)

Here're my e-mail addresses:

Copyright 1995,1996 Vladimir Myslik ˆˆ