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Dokumentace souboru /home/mrazik/Documents/web/old/hdo/at91lib/boards/at91sam7s-ek/board_memories.h

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void BOARD_RemapFlash (void)
void BOARD_RemapRam (void)

Detailní popis


Methods for remapping AT91SAM7S chips internal memory.


  1. Remap the Flash at address 0 using BOARD_RemapFlash.
  2. Remap the internal RAM at address 0 using BOARD_RemapRam.

Definice v souboru board_memories.h.

Dokumentace funkcí

void BOARD_RemapFlash ( void  )

Changes the mapping of the chip so that the remap area mirrors the internal flash.

Definice je uvedena na řádku 80 v souboru board_memories.c.

void BOARD_RemapRam ( void  )

Changes the mapping of the chip so that the remap area mirrors the internal RAM.

Definice je uvedena na řádku 92 v souboru board_memories.c.