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Dokumentace souboru /home/mrazik/Documents/web/old/hdo/at91lib/peripherals/adc/adc.h

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Definice maker

#define ADC_CHANNEL_0   0
#define ADC_CHANNEL_1   1
#define ADC_CHANNEL_2   2
#define ADC_CHANNEL_3   3
#define ADC_CHANNEL_4   4
#define ADC_CHANNEL_5   5
#define ADC_CHANNEL_6   6
#define ADC_CHANNEL_7   7


void ADC_Initialize (AT91S_ADC *pAdc, unsigned char idAdc, unsigned char trgEn, unsigned char trgSel, unsigned char sleepMode, unsigned char resolution, unsigned int mckClock, unsigned int adcClock, unsigned int startupTime, unsigned int sampleAndHoldTime)
unsigned int ADC_GetModeReg (AT91S_ADC *pAdc)
void ADC_EnableChannel (AT91S_ADC *pAdc, unsigned int channel)
void ADC_DisableChannel (AT91S_ADC *pAdc, unsigned int channel)
unsigned int ADC_GetChannelStatus (AT91S_ADC *pAdc)
void ADC_StartConversion (AT91S_ADC *pAdc)
void ADC_SoftReset (AT91S_ADC *pAdc)
unsigned int ADC_GetLastConvertedData (AT91S_ADC *pAdc)
unsigned int ADC_GetConvertedData (AT91S_ADC *pAdc, unsigned int channel)
void ADC_EnableIt (AT91S_ADC *pAdc, unsigned int flag)
void ADC_EnableDataReadyIt (AT91S_ADC *pAdc)
void ADC_DisableIt (AT91S_ADC *pAdc, unsigned int flag)
unsigned int ADC_GetStatus (AT91S_ADC *pAdc)
unsigned int ADC_GetInterruptMaskStatus (AT91S_ADC *pAdc)
unsigned int ADC_IsInterruptMasked (AT91S_ADC *pAdc, unsigned int flag)
unsigned int ADC_IsStatusSet (AT91S_ADC *pAdc, unsigned int flag)
unsigned char ADC_IsChannelInterruptStatusSet (unsigned int adc_sr, unsigned int channel)

Detailní popis


Interface for configuration the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) peripheral.


  1. Configurate the pins for ADC
  2. Initialize the ADC with ADC_Initialize().
  3. Select the active channel using ADC_EnableChannel()
  4. Start the conversion with ADC_StartConversion()

Definice v souboru adc.h.

Dokumentace funkcí

void ADC_DisableChannel ( AT91S_ADC pAdc,
unsigned int  channel 

Disable Channel

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
channelchannel to disable

Definice je uvedena na řádku 161 v souboru adc.c.

Odkazuje se na ASSERT.

void ADC_DisableIt ( AT91S_ADC pAdc,
unsigned int  flag 

Disable ADC interrupt

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
flagIT to be disabled

Definice je uvedena na řádku 276 v souboru adc.c.

Odkazuje se na ASSERT.

void ADC_EnableChannel ( AT91S_ADC pAdc,
unsigned int  channel 

Enable Channel

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
channelchannel to enable

Definice je uvedena na řádku 149 v souboru adc.c.

Odkazuje se na ASSERT.

void ADC_EnableDataReadyIt ( AT91S_ADC pAdc)

Enable ADC Data Ready interrupt

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.

Definice je uvedena na řádku 267 v souboru adc.c.

void ADC_EnableIt ( AT91S_ADC pAdc,
unsigned int  flag 

Enable ADC interrupt

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
flagIT to be enabled

Definice je uvedena na řádku 247 v souboru adc.c.

Odkazuje se na ASSERT.

unsigned int ADC_GetChannelStatus ( AT91S_ADC pAdc)

Return chanel status

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
Návratová hodnota:
ADC Channel Status Register

Definice je uvedena na řádku 173 v souboru adc.c.

unsigned int ADC_GetConvertedData ( AT91S_ADC pAdc,
unsigned int  channel 

Return the Channel Converted Data

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
channelchannel to get converted value
Návratová hodnota:
Channel converted data of the specified channel

Definice je uvedena na řádku 208 v souboru adc.c.

Odkazuje se na ASSERT.

unsigned int ADC_GetInterruptMaskStatus ( AT91S_ADC pAdc)

Return ADC Interrupt Mask Status

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
Návratová hodnota:
ADC Interrupt Mask Register

Definice je uvedena na řádku 306 v souboru adc.c.

unsigned int ADC_GetLastConvertedData ( AT91S_ADC pAdc)

Return the Last Converted Data

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
Návratová hodnota:
Last Converted Data

Definice je uvedena na řádku 198 v souboru adc.c.

unsigned int ADC_GetModeReg ( AT91S_ADC pAdc)

Return the Mode Register of the ADC controller value

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
Návratová hodnota:
ADC Mode register

Definice je uvedena na řádku 140 v souboru adc.c.

unsigned int ADC_GetStatus ( AT91S_ADC pAdc)

Return ADC Interrupt Status

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
Návratová hodnota:
ADC Stats register

Definice je uvedena na řádku 297 v souboru adc.c.

void ADC_Initialize ( AT91S_ADC pAdc,
unsigned char  idAdc,
unsigned char  trgEn,
unsigned char  trgSel,
unsigned char  sleepMode,
unsigned char  resolution,
unsigned int  mckClock,
unsigned int  adcClock,
unsigned int  startupTime,
unsigned int  sampleAndHoldTime 

Initialize the ADC controller

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
trgEntrigger mode, software or Hardware
trgSelhardware trigger selection
sleepModesleep mode selection
resolutionresolution selection 8 bits or 10 bits
mckClockvalue of MCK in Hz
adcClockvalue of the ADC clock in Hz
startupTimevalue of the start up time (in �s) (see datasheet)
sampleAndHoldTime(in ns)
 5 MHz operation, 20�s startup time, 600ns track and hold time
 PRESCAL: Prescaler Rate Selection ADCClock = MCK / ( (PRESCAL+1) * 2 )
 PRESCAL = [MCK / (ADCClock * 2)] -1 = [48/(5*2)]-1 = 3,8
 PRESCAL =  4 -> 48/((4+1)*2) = 48/10 = 4.8MHz
 48/((3+1)*2) = 48/8 = 6MHz
 Startup Time = (STARTUP+1) * 8 / ADCClock
 STARTUP = [(Startup Time * ADCClock)/8]-1 = [(20 10e-6 * 5000000)/8]-1 = 11,5
 STARTUP = 11 -> (11+1)*8/48000000 = 96/4800000 = 20�s

 Sample & Hold Time = (SHTIM+1) / ADCClock
 SHTIM = (HoldTime * ADCClock)-1 = (600 10e-9 * 5000000)-1 = 2
 SHTIM   =  2 -> (2+1)/4800000 = 1/1200000 = 833ns

Definice je uvedena na řádku 70 v souboru adc.c.


Používá se v ADC_Initialize() a main().

unsigned char ADC_IsChannelInterruptStatusSet ( unsigned int  adc_sr,
unsigned int  channel 

Test if ADC channel interrupt Status is Set

adc_srValue of SR register
channelChannel to be tested
Návratová hodnota:
1 if interrupt status is set, otherwise 0

Definice je uvedena na řádku 337 v souboru adc.c.

unsigned int ADC_IsInterruptMasked ( AT91S_ADC pAdc,
unsigned int  flag 

Test if ADC Interrupt is Masked

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
flagflag to be tested
Návratová hodnota:
1 if interrupt is masked, otherwise 0

Definice je uvedena na řádku 316 v souboru adc.c.

unsigned int ADC_IsStatusSet ( AT91S_ADC pAdc,
unsigned int  flag 

Test if ADC Status is Set

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.
flagflag to be tested
Návratová hodnota:
1 if the staus is set; 0 otherwise

Definice je uvedena na řádku 326 v souboru adc.c.

void ADC_SoftReset ( AT91S_ADC pAdc)

Software reset

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.

Definice je uvedena na řádku 189 v souboru adc.c.

void ADC_StartConversion ( AT91S_ADC pAdc)

Software request for a analog to digital conversion

pAdcPointer to an AT91S_ADC instance.

Definice je uvedena na řádku 181 v souboru adc.c.