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Dokumentace souboru /home/mrazik/Documents/web/old/hdo/at91lib/utility/led.h

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unsigned char LED_Configure (unsigned int led)
unsigned char LED_Set (unsigned int led)
unsigned char LED_Clear (unsigned int led)
unsigned char LED_Toggle (unsigned int led)

Detailní popis


Small set of functions for simple and portable LED usage.


  1. Configure one or more LEDs using LED_Configure and LED_ConfigureAll.
  2. Set, clear and toggle LEDs using LED_Set, LED_Clear and LED_Toggle.

LEDs are numbered starting from 0; the number of LEDs depend on the board being used. All the functions defined here will compile properly regardless of whether the LED is defined or not; they will simply return 0 when a LED which does not exist is given as an argument. Also, these functions take into account how each LED is connected on to board; thus, "LED_Set" might change the level on the corresponding pin to 0 or 1, but it will always light the LED on; same thing for the other methods.

Definice v souboru led.h.

Dokumentace funkcí

unsigned char LED_Clear ( unsigned int  led)

Turns a LED off.

ledNumber of the LED to turn off.
Návratová hodnota:
1 if the LED has been turned off; 0 otherwise.

Definice je uvedena na řádku 108 v souboru led.c.

Odkazuje se na PIO_OUTPUT_0.

unsigned char LED_Configure ( unsigned int  led)

Configures the pin associated with the given LED number. If the LED does not exist on the board, the function does nothing.

ledNumber of the LED to configure.
Návratová hodnota:
1 if the LED exists and has been configured; otherwise 0.

Definice je uvedena na řádku 57 v souboru led.c.

unsigned char LED_Set ( unsigned int  led)

Turns the given LED on if it exists; otherwise does nothing.

ledNumber of the LED to turn on.
Návratová hodnota:
1 if the LED has been turned on; 0 otherwise.

Definice je uvedena na řádku 78 v souboru led.c.

Odkazuje se na PIO_OUTPUT_0.

unsigned char LED_Toggle ( unsigned int  led)

Toggles the current state of a LED.

ledNumber of the LED to toggle.
Návratová hodnota:
1 if the LED has been toggled; otherwise 0.

Definice je uvedena na řádku 138 v souboru led.c.